Subject: Schedule Confirmation: Air Ambulance Transfer from Dubai to Oslo / Ref: 20240203
Dear AB Global Assistance,
I hope this email finds you well. We are pleased to confirm the schedule for the upcoming air ambulance transfer from Dubai to Oslo, scheduled to take place on May 7th, 2024.
Flight Details:
Please note that the times are in local times.
Kindly inform the hospital and the ground ambulances accordingly.
Should you require any further details or assistance regarding the flight schedule or preparations, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We look forward to collaborating with you to facilitate your patient’s safe return to Oslo and will keep you updated about the flight movements.
Best regards,
DC Ambulance
Subject: RE: Confirmation of Mission & Additional Data
Dear DC Air Ambulance,
Thank you for your email regarding our case for Gustav Jorund. Patient is 178cm tall and weights 79 kg. Kindly find attached the following:
In addition, we confirm that we will arrange the ground ambulances on both sides.
A bed was confirmed at the Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo, Norway, in the Intensive Care Unit Adult, Ward AB. Accepting Phyisician is Dr. Gurlund, contact number +4722118080 5984.
Please let me know if you need anything else and kindly send us your schedule as soon as possible!
Best regards,
AB Assistance Global
Subject: RE: Acceptance of Quotation
Dear DC Air Ambulance,
we are happy to inform you that we hereby accept your quotation Number 20240203. Patient’s name is Gustav Jorund.
Please send us your schedule as soon as possible!
Best regards,
AB Assistance Global
Quotation Acceptance
Dear Team,
we are happy to inform you that we hereby accept your quotation Number 2021010035. Attached to this email you will find the following:
Accepting Physician: Dr. Deutsch, LMU München Hospital – Surgical Ward (+49 089 4400).
Address: Ziemssenstr. 5, 80336 Munich, Germany
We look forward to your next update,
with best regards
World Wide Global Assistance Inc.
Subject: REQUEST FOR A NEW QUOTE / Ref: 20240203
Date: May 6th, 2024
Status: New Request for Quote
Dear Team,
we have a critical case requiring urgent air transportation from Dubai, UAE to Oslo, Norway.
The patient, a 28-year-old male, is currently admitted to the American Hospital in Dubai (12 American Hospital – 15th St – Oud Metha – Dubai – United Arab Emirates ) following a severe anaphylactic shock triggered by a severe peanut allergy. He is intubated and ventilated, requiring immediate transfer to the Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo, Norway for specialized care.
We have already arranged for an ICU Ambulance with Doctor for the patient to be transported to the Aircraft in Dubai and to the Hospital in Norway, so no escort from your medical team necessary.
We request a quote for an Air Ambulance. Please include all necessary medical equipment and personnel for the safe transfer of the patient.
Your prompt response with the quote and earliest availability is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
AB Global Assistance